Hurricane Season – Potluck Get Together

The social is set for Saturday, September 3rd at 6:30pm in the Harrington Room. The association will provide chicken, please bring a side dish to share. Please note what you would like to bring on the sign-up sheet in the lobby. Oh yeh, the hurricanes will be swirling!

Condo Yard Sale 2016

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Eight Harrington House families participated in our summer garage sale. Thank you to all who helped make this event successful – especially those who parked there cars on the street and allowed us to use their spaces to set-up!

Have you noticed?

. . . the interior doors are not slamming shut. The door hinge/closers have been adjusted to stop short and then gently close.

Duct Connection From Harrington Room and Lennox Unit

We don’t know why, but Comfort Systems USA fixed the problem. Click on the image for a larger picture.

AC Lines Insulation Replacement Complete

This fix by Comfort Systems USA will help save on our energy bills. Click on the image for a larger picture.

C-Stack Drain

Just a peak of the new roof-top drain. Click on the image for a larger picture.

Clogged Drains?

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

zep drain cleanerHarrington House Condo drain pipes need our help clearing organic build-up from the past 50 years. One visiting plumber suggested we treat our pipes every other month with a biological cleaner with enzymes. This product is not a clog buster but a clearing agent. In an article about drain cleaners, Consumer Reports notes:

Biological cleaners, such as Citra-Drain and Zep, use enzymes or bacteria to chew through clogs. Besides posing less of a health risk to humans, biologicals are less likely to harm septic systems because they don’t kill beneficial bacteria. But they’re wimpy when it comes to quickly removing clogs. However, they should be useful at keeping drains free of organic material once clogs have been cleared.

I have been routinely treating my toilets and drains when I change my HVAC filter. Zep Drain Care and Build-up Remover is available at Taylor’s Do-it Center on Colley Avenue. A couple of ounces of this prevention will help keep our drains clear.